Rental FAQs

How far in advance do I need to order?
When ordering online you will see available dates displayed on the calendar. All online orders must occur at least one business day in advance to allow for processing, as terms and conditions apply. Please note there is no guaranteed delivery time, so if a container is needed first thing in the morning delivery should be scheduled for the day prior.
Is service available 24 hours?
You can order online 24 hours a day, however, all online orders must occur at least one business day in advance to allow for processing, as terms and conditions apply.
What if I need an extra haul?
Yes, you can have additional hauls with your order. Please note you will be charged the full initial quoted amount for a second time for an additional haul.
What if the driver comes for delivery or removal and I am not ready for the container to be dropped or removed?
Please note trip charges will incur a supplementary cost of $150 per visit from the initial quote.
Is it necessary for someone to be there when they deliver or remove my container?
It is not necessary to have someone onsite for delivery or removal of the container. However, please be as specific as possible when answering the delivery questions, as the driver will use their best judgement and place the container in the safest accessible area when delivering the container. If an onsite contact is not available for delivery, you will be responsible for all charges involved with relocation of the dumpster should it be necessary. For removal, customer agrees to provide unobstructed access to the equipment on the scheduled pick-up day; if equipment is inaccessbile customer is subject to additional pick-up charges, as terms and conditions apply.
Will I be billed for extra weight?
Yes, if tonnage goes over the included tons quoted in your order you will be charged additional costs.

Acceptable Payment Options


Check Acceptance Policy:
Your Check Is Welcome!

In the event your check is returned unpaid due to insufficient funds, you authorize your check to be electronically redeposited for the face amount of the check. Recovery fees, as applicable by state law, will be assessed on all returned checks and may be collected, by us or our agent, from your checking account.

By presenting your check for payment for your transaction, you are acknowledging your acceptance of our Check Acceptance Policy. If you have any questions concerning our check Acceptance Policy, please discuss at the time of purchase or you may contact our agent at 1-888-374-3369.